I’m a part time freelance photographer from Westchester, NY. Using photography to document the many experiences of the human experience, ranging from concerts to documenting personal achievements.

  • Quincy

Contact Info

Instagram: @QwinkieTarantino

Feel free to reach out for shoots, or just to say hi!


More on the Smaller Details

I can contribute what I consider to be my start into learning photography to the start of shutdowns back in March 2020. With all the confusion and chaos that was happening in the world for everyone, my way to still find a way to be creative, learn, and evolve at the time was to go out and take a few pictures of the neighbourhood or sunsets. From there, I’ve only discovered my love for doing photography and the connections and experiences that come with it, and have since only been trying to find more exciting methods of incorporating it into my life.

I’ve since taken more photos than I could possibly remember, ranging from live concerts to taking it along hiking, portraits to products, there aren’t many opportunities I could imagine I wished I didn’t have a camera in hand. Being able to experience said opportunities has shown me new light, and the camera has been by my side to document it all along the way.

Feel free to reach out to me via email/Instagram if you’d like to get in touch, the only wrong questions are the ones left unasked!